On product measures, Lebesgue measure on R^n and related topics. On the construction of measures, with additional exercises for the Wednesday meetings. (5.) Here are notes on sigma algebras, measurability and measures. Solution to exercise 11 from chapter 7 from Gerald Follands textbook, 'Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications.'Donate. (4.) Here are notes on unifirm integrability and Vitali' (3.) Here are detialed solutions for selected exercises in Chapter 1 and 2 of Folland. (2.) Here are detialed solutions for all of the topology exercises. (1.) Here are notes for the first four lectures. Syllabus refers to various class notes and homework assignments that will be posted
Here is the syllabus for the the course, The In particular, the first 4 lectures are based on lecture notes for which a link is provided below. I will also post lecture notes on a number of topics. I will put a copy on reserve, but this book is a real bargain, especially if purchased directly from the AMS, which I recommend. I will also make frequent reference to the analysis text of Lieb and Loss.
The main text is Real Analysis by Folland. This course provides an introduction to the fundamental topics in the analysis of functions of a real variable, including applications. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable I, Math 501 Fall 2014 Eric Carlen Hill Center 632, carlen at OFFICE HOURS: Wednesday, 11:00-12:15 COURSE DESCRIPTION: